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Re: Credit where credit is due
Poster: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU
On Fri, 9 Jan 1998, rosine wrote:
> But, I would caution people not to reprimand others, in
> I thank you Lord Cedric, that is a kind thought. The message that
> I quoted (from Baroness Juletta) was sent to me privately, so I
> could save face by correcting my original post. That was indeed a
> noble and courteous way of handling my mistake, and I thank her,
> and you, for your chivalry.
> Rosine
> Baroness of Marinus
I understand, Your Excellency, the fact that you would rather be
"reprimanded" in private. So would I. But I don't think that the posts
being mentioned were reprimands. I know I did not intend mine to be. I
just wanted to let you, and the others who recieved the story, know who
wrote it (after all, if you liked it enough to pass on, you may wish to
find more by the same gentle). I maintain that if I just let you know who
the author was, then the people you forwarded it to would remain ignorant,
and perhaps pass it on to others, who would also not know the author.
To add to the debate, the bard in question, Rathflaed DuNior, has
recently released a tape on which he recorded his version of Beowulf.
This means that he is attempting to make a living (or at least augment his
living) from his writings. BTW, if any of you are interested in getting a
copy of this tape, I have the contact info.
PLease don't consider this a reprimand, Your Excellency. I'm just
pointing out how sometimes these internet forwards can actually be
copywrighted material, and it is real easy for an author not to get credit
for his work. SInce I know the bard in question, I can say that he
probably does not mind his work being forwarded, and would in fact be
flattered. Then again, I may be wrong. Not that you are at fault for
passing on this amusing story (you had no idea who wrote it). But
someone, somewhere down the line, decided to pass his along without the
authors knowing or giving credit to the author, who DID know who wrote it,
but just did not consider that it mattered.
Sorry if I am going on, but this debate is of interest to me, as I
face this internal dichotomy: as a writer and composer, I have a natural
tendency to want to have my work credited to me. As a student of
literature and a scholarly writer, I have a hatred of plagerism (not
citing another's work). Yet, as a folklorist and a lover of folk song and
folk tradition, I wcan think of no greater honor than having one of my
works enter into the body of folk music that is considered "traditional,"
which cannot happen if "(c)1998 Matthew Newsome" appears after each song.
So I am still debating all of this in my own head. Thanks for listening
to my ramblings.
Eogan Og Mac Labruinn
Sangster of Scotland, Atlantia
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