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Re: Email troubles

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

At 01:51 PM 1/30/98 -0500, Corun MacAnndra wrote:
>Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
>Unto the denizens of the Merry Rose and the Principality list greetings,
>This is to inform you (and more importantly the list managers), that
>Digex is currently having problems with incoming email. Anything sent
>to an address at access.digex.net will bounce. They are working on the
>problem but don't have a fix yet. Unfortunately this means that you're
>going to see bounces to several of us on Digex (me, Jaelle, Keilyn and
>Herveus come to immediate mind) and that we're going to lose mail. We
>can apparently send mail out, that's why I'm sending this.
>If you have something to send any of us, hang on to it. Try to send it
>until it stops bouncing back, but keep a copy somewhere.
>Sorry for the inconvenience.
>In service,
This appears to be cleared up.  I sent Jae an email at 12:45 and just
received an answer back from her.

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