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Woad Is Me

Poster: ShyJennah@aol.com

Greetings, gentles all!

For those of you who don't know me (99.9999% of all SCAdians), my name is Nest
verch Madoc (the "lady in red", ofttimes found trailing behind Erennach
MacConchoille, AKA FubarSnafu King of foOls).  I have recently signed back on
to this list, and I'm glad to finally return.

My question is one from Erennach, who rarely gets a chance at a computer due
to the demands of his mundane work schedule.  He's planning to grow some woad
and wonders if any of you have had experience with the plant and could give
him tips on how to take care of it, and so forth?

Any replies are greatly appreciated, and will be forwarded to Erennach.

Thank you,
Nest verch Madoc
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