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Children's Song

Poster: MHWag@aol.com

One of my cousins is seeking information on a lullaby (?) children's song (?)
called Babes in the Woods.  He would like to know the country of origin,
approximate time period, and any variations. 

Many thanks

>Here are the lyrics as reported to me by the person who sang me the song as a
>child (thanks, Mom!). I seem to vaguely remember another (2nd?) verse from my

Oh do you remember,
A long time ago,
Those poor little babes,
Their names I don't know,
Were strolling along,
One bright summer's day,
And were lost in the woods,
Or so people say.

And when it was night,
How sad was their plight.
The moon went down,
The stars gave no light.
They sobbed and they sighed,
They bitterly cried,
Poor babes in the woods,
Poor babes in the woods.

And when they were dead,
A robin so red,
With strawberry leaves,
Covered their heads.
And sang them a song
The whole day long.
Poor babes in the woods,
Poor babes in the woods.

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