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A Word from the Exchequer...

Poster: DebSiobhan@aol.com

Greetings to all!

The tax deadline is approaching quickly and I am sorry to say I still have
fewer than half of the groups in hand as of today (2/7).

Reports MUST be in by Feb 15 if an extension has not been granted.  I will be
sending suspension notices out on the 17th (the 16th being a holiday).

I will also be attending the Runestone Collegium on Feb 21st (baring any
disasters) to provide assistance in the Exchequer's Panic Room.  Note the 21st
is after the deadline.  If you are an exchequer and want to hand forms over
then - I need to know in advance.  

I can not emphasize strongly enough the importance of this deadline.  I have a
deadline for reporting too and we can not miss it.  Please pass this message
along to your exchequers.

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