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Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

	<big snip>

> He is frustrated by me folding the pages.  I am frustrated with him
> putting the books face down.  I think his method is worse because it
> destroys the books.  Bookmarks don't work for either of us.  I didn't
> help solve your disagreement, but at least you are not alone.  
	<start of soap box> 			
	Not to single out Tessa but  I  get a little frustrated at
discussions like this
	because there really is no answer other than "stop" to change the
	Lots of people fold pages.  Lots of people bend the backs
	of books.  Either is frustrating to those that don't. Whether
	one is a better way to treat a book is up to those that [can afford
to/ or want to]
	replace them.  The different ways of treating them will decide for
you how quickly
	you'll have to replace them.  There are those that say I should
never travel with my books
	because they get banged up however as a scribe I often have last
minute requests
	so I have my set that I travel with and the set that stays at home.

	The point is that if you're an adult, you're going to treat books
the way you
	want to treat them.  Whatever has developed in your habits will be
	happens.  If there are kids moving them maybe you can find a place
to high 
	for the kids to get to.  If there is a habit that you developed
because you 
	never could find a book mark available maybe you never had enough
	of paper available.

	Maybe one way to get those that don't use bookmarks  to start is to
have a
	scribe make several.  At the very least perhaps the guilt trip about
not using
	a gift will remind said page turner/back bender.  Then again maybe
not.  The
	point is bookmarks don't damage a book other methods generally do.
The question
	is whether you're going to decide to stop damaging books and stick
to said 
	decision.  There is no one way that damages a book "less".  It's all
	and speaks of how much respect you have for the things you buy and
the money
	you spend.  I was raised with the rule that says "whatever it is
treat it nicely, it
	will help you later when you don't have to buy it again."  End of
story as far as I 
	can see.  And in my personal opinion - end of Seinfeld episode.

	My $.02 worth

	<end of soap box and sorry if I offend>


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