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Stefan's files for March
Poster: "Mark.S Harris" <rsve60@email.sps.mot.com>
Greetings unto the gentles of the Kingdom of Meridies,
I am not on this maillist, but I thought some of you might be interested in
my monthly article. If there are any local newsletter editors who would like
this monthly article sent to you by email (usually around the 10th of the
month) just send me your name, email, group and newsletter name.
If you do not think this is appropriate for this list, let me know and I will
refrain from posting it here in future months.
Stefan li Rous
A Blending of the Past and Present
Over the past seven years in an ongoing effort, I have been collecting bits of
useful information from various newsgroups, mail lists and articles submitted
to me by their authors. In order to make this information available to others,
I have placed this information in a series of files I call Stefan’s Florilegium.
Florilegium - (literally, "a gathering of flowers"). In medieval times,
Florilegia were collections of choice tidbits (from Ovid, Aristotle, various
popes, church scholars, etc.) arranged topically. Typically, a florilegium is
huge, encyclopedic, and contains only choice selections from particular works.
Anyone interested in these files is encouraged to request a copy of my complete
filelist by email. I can send this filelist or any of these files by email or
by copying them to a computer diskette if you don’t have WWW access.
Those of you who have World-Wide-Web (WWW) access can get these files at:
Ld. Stefan li Rous (512)892-0036 stefan@texas.net
Here are the new files for this month:
breadmaking-msg Period bread recipes and re-creations.
cl-Russia-msg Clothing of medieval Russia.
fd-Mongol-msg Period Mongol food. Recipes.
firestarting-msg Period firestarting techniques.
meat-pies-msg Period meat pies. Recipes.
Ref-Tud-Eng-art "The Effects of the Reformation on Tudor
England" by Robin Anderson of Ross.
roast-pork-msg Cooking pork roasts. Medieval recipes.
vegetables-msg Period vegeatbles. Recipes.
woad-msg History of woad. Making dyes from woad.
Here are some of the files that have had substantial additions this past month:
bread-msg Medieval breads and grains.
brewing-msg General brewing info and sources.
cl-Ireland-msg Medieval Irish clothing.
cook-flowers-msg Cooking with flowers. Medieval flower dishes
courts-msg How to manage courts, royal presence.
feast-ideas-msg Ideas for SCA feasts.
fruits-msg Medieval fruits and fruit dishes. Recipes.
furniture-msg Making chests and tables for the SCA. Period furniture.
Italy-msg Italian culture, families. Medieval P.o.I.
spices-msg Info. on spices, sources for spices.
vegetarian-msg Medieval vegetarianism. Lenten foods.
Copyright 1998, Mark S. Harris, 5628 Wagon Train Rd. Austin TX 78749.
Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if the
contents are left unchanged.
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