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Re: Northern pricipality

> The atlantia list is archived; you can look through the archive and
> find his posting about as easily as I can. As I said, I am still tired
> of the discussion from last time, and I am not offering to discuss the
> issue now.

however, the atlantia list archives are not searchable, and henry posted
more than once about the principality.  from a quick run-through, is this
perhaps the henry-post to which you're referring?

If a principality is a Good Thing, it will grow naturally from demographic
patterns and cultural divergence. It has been discussed into the dirt and
there exists significant opposition. Fine. Put it on the _back_ burner and
let it simmer a year or two. Cultivate philosophy. Repair that broken 
rivet on your armor. Something. But don't kid yourself that you can change
the minds of an entire populace (in a positive way) through enforced
debate.  It simply isn't time, yet. Get it?



lisa lorenzin  |  lisa@technomancer.com  |  http://www.1000plus.com/lisa/
of what avail is an open eye if the heart is blind? - solomon ibn gavirol