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not so simple request

Poster: Erick and Sue <bduck@fred.net>


First, I must say that I generally try to stay out of this kind of
discussion.  I am fairly new in this group and as such, too inexperienced
to feel I should add my 2 cents.  However, this Lady has raised some valid
points and I have some questions that perhaps more experienced people can

It sounds as if she has reached the end of her rope with rudeness in
general and finding in the SCA, TOO, in particular.  To be greeted with
such treatment in everyday life is unsurprising, and we are all probably
used to it.  That is why these events can be so enjoyable.  It gives us a
chance to lower some of our everyday shields a bit and share in the
abundance of honor, chivalry, and general polite behavior of the SCA folks.

Someone once told me, the reason folks were so polite in the Wild West
(hollywood aside) was because EVERYONE WAS ARMED.  If someone was rude, you
were able to ventilate the offender, and everyone knew it.  I imagine, in
the middle ages similar defensive courtesy was common.  Most of the
wealthy, some of the middle class and even poor were armed and able to take
offense in a brutally final objection.

In the modern middle ages, what recourse do we have when some rare idiot
appears and is snide, rude, and in the case of the bathroom weasel,
downright offensive?

1. It seems that the noble thing to do would be to ignore such rude-ness,
and treat the individual with excessive courtesy hoping that they learn
from our example.

2. An alternative might be to gently remind the individual where and when
they are and exactly what behavior is unacceptable.  They may be new, like
me, and appreciate some guidance.

 What if they continue with their offensive behavior AND we are unable to
avoid or ignore it.  I don't mean coke cans and cameras.  While offensive
to some and unwanted by most, they certainly are not personally insulting.

3. If we are armed, as I am not, may we call them to whack it out on the
field of honor--thus forcing them to feel the depth of our displeasure at
their ignoble behavior?

4. If we are not physically armed, may we ask/hire some skilled fighter to
defend our honor?

5. I noticed awards being given yesterday for high courtesy, helpful
behavior, and other warm and fuzzy deeds.  What about smeg-head awards?  I
guess not. It wouldn't be right to treat anyone with less courtesy than we
care to receive ourselves....


Perhaps some wiser heads than mine have some strategies which don't involve
bloodshed or public humiliation.

Thank you for allowing me to ramble with my thoughts.

In wandering service,

Sue Singley

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