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Re: A Simple Request...

Poster: Katherine Norris <knorris@richmond.edu>

At 09:09 AM 2-24-98 -0500, Izofgold@aol.com said this to all of us:
>Poster: Izofgold@aol.com
>         <snip>
>needles, cook's without their pots, etc...).  When I became interested in the
>SCA one of the first things I was told and taught was Chirvalrous Manners
>then later, Chivalrous Manners 202, the advanced how too's....  This was a
>great things for new people!
>Perhaps, at a future event, there can be a large class (or several throughout
>the day) of the same classes, as reminders, and that everyone attend at least
>once to remind themselves of what it is like to be kind, caring, and
>mannerable regardless if they are peers or not 

<more snipping>

Could we have this? I think it would be a great idea for the "old-timers"
as a reminder, but also for all of us new people to learn them in the first

Kai Norris

"Without a monster or two, it's not a quest.
It's just a gaggle of friends wandering about."
        --- Owl (from Winnie the Pooh)
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