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Archery activities at Dance of the Phoenix/Moose Hunt

Poster: Lorenzo <detoma@erols.com>

Greetings from Lorenzo!

There is going to be lots of archery at Highland Foorde's Moose
Hunt event on March 14th. 
The schedule is as follows:

Winter Archery Challenge - 11:00 am to 5pm

10-11 Practice
11-12 Animal Target Hunt
12-1 Lunch Break
1-2  Exploding Targets
2-3  Moose Hunt (go in the attic and dig out your golf tube arrows!)
3-4  Get out of the way! shoot
4-5  Clout Shoot

The prizes include a stunning pair of matching vambraces, a dozen
crown-dipped and crested arrows, several yards of Calontir trim, and
more!  The site is in Frederick, right off I-70, and really easy to get
to from anywhere. The feast will have a ton of food (feast reservations
are limited to 100, by the way), and there will be live entairtainment
during feast, and for dancing. 

The autocrat for this event is Master James of Rutland
(rutlands@aol.com), please contact him for general questions. 
For event reservations and dietary questions, contact  Magdalena Zaba
(marjowl@aol.com), or send reservations to 
Marj Burger 6402 Quinn Road, Frederick, MD 21701-6706

If you have any archery questions, drop me a line. Hope to see you

- Lorenzo il Confuso
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