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Thank A Scribe Today

Poster: SheehanTA <SheehanTA@aol.com>

My Lords and Ladies,

Some months ago I asked a friend to instruct me in some basics of the art of
illumination, and she graciously did so (thanks Celynen).  Since then I have
occasionally tried my hand at producing scroll blanks, calligraphy as yet
being an art well beyond my capacity.  Every time I do so I am struck by the
amount of work which can go into even the seemingly simplest of scrolls.  And
yet dozens of works of calligraphy and illumination are produced year-in and
year-out by individuals and scriptora throughout the kingdom.  Scribes provide
a valuable service in helping to create a lasting reminder for the gentlefolk
the Crown and/or Barons/Baronesses choose to honor, even though the recipients
are often complete strangers to the artist. I just wanted to voice my
appreciation for their work in general and encourage others to do so as the
opportunity arises.

Mistress Deirdre O'Siodhachain
(Terry Sheehan)
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