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Re: Here is the Rialto Archive URL !

Poster: Tanner Lovelace <lovelace@acm.org>

On Wed, 18 Mar 1998, Toby Cobb wrote:

> Good Gentles,
> I have received several messages indicating that my response to a query
> for the Rialto URL might have been more appropriately posted to the list
> so that others might benefit.
> Therefore, I am providing it below.
> Point your web browser to:
> http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/rialto/rialto.html
> <http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/rialto/rialto.html> 
> In service,
> Toby of Isenfir

Thank you very much for the information, Toby, but your
answer is a bit misleading.  The "Rialto" is not a web page.
In fact, Greg's web page doesn't even archive the entire Rialto.
The Rialto is, in fact, a Usenet Newsgroup called rec.org.sca.
Some people might be able to access it by using this URL:
<news:rec.org.sca>, but only if your browser is setup correctly
and that's what you use for news.  Otherwise, call your
ISP and ask how to access Usenet news.

In service,
Lord Kendrick Wayfarer
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