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Boys, boys...

Poster: sjuroff <sjuroff@xperts.com>

---> Ah hem... Bryce de Bryam here i would beg to differ with Lord Galen 
here. If there truly is a Goddess (or perhaps Patron Saint) of
Cambok it most certainly would be the most divine Lady Susanna Grey, 
Grammer Diva.

Boys, boys...

There's no need to fight over little ol' me.

Lady Brianna is, in point of fact, the High Priestess of CAMBOK!

She may, if she chooses, assist me in the following endeavor:

Earl Dafydd and I discussed the proposal, and this weekend, I will 
receive the stats on the original CAMBOK! sticks to give to the merchant 
in order that there might be a standard Atlantian stick.  I intend to 
make a CAMBOK! website (details to follow within a week) describing 
Dafydd's design--debate, I trust, will follow, and within two months, I 
will submit to this merchant our bold proclamation/request involving our 
Plans for the custom stick and, hopefully, an account for which I will 
assume responsibility, in the name of Atlantian CAMBOK!!

In order that the Merry Rose may be kept to its own business, I plan to 
establish a List in the name of CAMBOK.  Please send your email address 
and interest and comments to poetamilitarus@yahoo.com with:  CAMBOK! 
_alone_ in the subject line.  

[My love, thank you; I do prefer "Patron Saint" to "Goddess"--it is 
humbler and more accurate, not to mention a better position regarding our 
High Priestess--different religious connotations, same level.]


Susan Juroff                   | email: sjuroff@xperts.com
Business Analyst               | voice: (804) 353-7122 (x138)
Xperts, Inc.                   |   fax: (804) 358-3847
                               |   web: http://www.xperts.com/

List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org