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OPPS! I'm sorry

Poster: Jessica Rechtschaffer <jsrechts@email.unc.edu>

That message to Steffan was SUPPOSED to be private but I goofed.  Now that
my face is red and I realize that I really screwed up I must comment
before people call for my head.

As to my comment about Seonaid's letter.  This is not a personal attack on
her, or Michael or about their personal lives, their policies or whatever.
Quite simply I was not impressed by the grammar or intonation of the

On a personal note, I have a long cultivated habit of analyzing writing
styles (working in Comparative Literature doesn't help any), I also enjoy
William Safire' weekly column, "On Language"  in the NYT Magazine in which
he criticizes bad grammar and poor use of language by politicians and
pundits made during the past week.  When I read public statements, I look
out for writing style as well as substance.

So... I have to be careful to check to make sure that the CC: is turned
off and now wipe the rotten egg off my face.

Lyanna the Apologetic 

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