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Steffan's comments

Poster: stephancm@juno.com

I admit that although my statement is true, it was considered by some to
be rude and inappropriate.   That may well be,  I admit I don't always
think before I speak.  But really folks, where is the honor, curtesy, and
chivalry that you claim to hold so dear, when you send postings to the
list that are as rude, discourteous and down right mean as those I have
seen directed at me today.  Does one comment made without thought really
deserve the degree of abuse expressed here to day.   I expected a lot of
flak.  But I am truly sad to see those exact same things I am accused of
echoed in the postings I've seen.

If you take offence to what some one says, why not attempt to correct the
person and guide them to be a better person instead of beating them to
death.  I thought that was what the Society was all about.  Making each
other a better person.

Personally, I believe I deserved some flak.  But I think it got a lot
carried away here.  People who live in glass houses should be careful
throwing stones.


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