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Re: light-hearted and fun

Poster: Heather Swann <heather@pop.net>

> Now for something entirely different:
> What is your ideal venue for A&S?  What would make you go out of your
> way to enter/display your creations/knowledge?

Probably if I had something really nifty I'd just done...it would have
to be fun...
> Competition or Display?

Display.  I don't care for competitions because it's usually so much
apples and oranges.  It's hard to judge between two things in the same
category which are from different periods, even with the most objective
standards you can make.
> Prizes?

Well, if it were something really neat-o.....
> Theme?  Topic?  Way of displaying?  Kind of event?

It would have to be something really fun like a game or some sort of
> Documentation?  If so what kind?

Usually I don't have time to cobble it together....that's why I prefer
the more light-hearted competitions.
> What kind of comments do you like to see/receive??

Helpful pointers in the way of books and sources to check out, mentioned
in a friendly way, not in a condescending manner.
> Tell All!!
>    - Anarra Karlsdottir
All?  Oh, heavens, I'd never tell ALL....!  ;)

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