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Re: light-hearted and fun

Poster: Heather Swann <heather@pop.net>

> > What is your ideal venue for A&S?  What would make you go out of your
> > way to enter/display your creations/knowledge?
> >
> I like teaching/class situations. I love University (and I can't go this summer,

(snip)  Oh, yeah, teaching....forgot to mention that.  I like teaching
one on one or to small classes, like at University.  You learn so much
by teaching!
> > Competition or Display?
> >
> > Prizes?
> >
> Prizes are nice, but for me personally, and probably many other people as well,
> they aren't why we do the things we do.

True...I think the best prizes are things like new period tools and so
forth.  For example, quills  or pencases or paints for
scribes....gameboards.....that sort of thing!  :)
> > Tell All!!
> I think I've told more than anybody's interested in reading!  =)
> --Muireann ni Riordain, the Longwinded...
> Ponte Alto

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