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Re: An Tir's Domesday Book

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <longshipco@hotmail.com>

Martin wrote:
>I happened across this link on the Trimaris list, and I thought all >of 
you calligrapher, illuminator, and laurel types might like to see
>this...   http://www.lydia.org/doomsday/

It's several pictures from the An Tir Doomsday book, plus a form to 
reserve a copy of their production of 250 CD-ROMs of the entire book. 
(Cost $10 plus shipping).

The An Tir Doomsday book was conceived of in AS IXX to display the 
history and art of An Tir for the Twenty Year Celebration.  The project 
was announced at the Coronation of Melissa and Arthur at 12th Night in 

Each group in the Kingdom was given a specified number of pages to fill.  
Other pages detailed history of the Principality and Kingdom.

By the beginning of May AS XX, it was almost completed, and was shown in 
the Arts and Sciences tent at TYC.  400 pages of illumination, maps and 
calligraphy in less than five months.

I believe it has been re-bound and re-covered since it was originally 
shown.  It was on display at 3YC as well--a different page each day with 
someone there to turn pages to see more at various times.

It's an awesome book and I am proud to have been a subject of a Kingdom 
that produced such an artifact, even though I had almost nothing to do 
with it (Calligraphy and Illumination are not my skills.)  I don't know 
of another project so immense done by any other Kingdom.

Thank you, Martin, for bringing that to my attention.

   - Anarra Karlsdottir
     Formerly of An Tir

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