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Clerk of Signet letter

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

This is my next letter to the Acorn.  I thought I'd post it here
for a nice change in subject .  You may read the section
about my search for a deputy and find it negative and discouraging.
I don't want to discourage or be negative but this is a serious
office with a great deal of work required.  I want anyone interested
to go in with eyes open and this is the best way I could describe
it.  In any case, have a good (or should I say Merry <G>) weekend!



Greetings from Lady Rebecca the Contrary, Clerk of Signet, Atlantia!

I know you haven't heard from me in a while so I thought it was time
for an update.  

Please remember that the Scrivener Royal competition is held during
the Spring Crown Tourney.  For details please contact the Scrivener
Royal.  I encourage all interested scribes to consider entering.

Because of the constant assistance from various scriptoriums all over
the kingdom, the backlog is getting to managable numbers.  We are
now down to 241 "do-able" scrolls for kingdom.  Of course, as of this
writing I have not received a list of awards from Their Graces, Logan and
Arielle, so we'll have to add that to the numbers.  However, I must thank
Their Graces from the bottom of my heart.  They have made a sincere
effort to get as many scrolls completed for Their courts as possible and
organization is appreciated.  The scribes of Atlantia thank you!

We have a new home page!  It's at scribe.atlantia.sca.org and is definitely
under construction.  The example scrolls have not yet been converted to
jpg so they're slow to download, Sorry!  There's lots of stuff up there
so have a look.

Promissories!  Thanks to the organization of Their Graces Logan and Arielle
(again) the promissory book was full when Their Majesties took the throne
but we
can always use more help.  If you wish to help out contact Mistress Ceridwen
Owain (see Principal of the Order of the White Scarf) or Baroness Rosine of
Marinus.  They each have a set of masters.  They can give you a set of 
copies that you can reproduce.  If you can not afford to reproduce them
contact me.  If you would like to CREATE new promissories from "scratch"
please contact  me directly.

It is now time for me to seek an official Deputy Clerk of Signet.  I have
helping my office but don't let this deter you from writing if you are
This is not a decision that I make lightly nor have Their Majesties and I
had a 
chance to discuss my future in this office (as of this writing).  A deputy
necessary regardless.  This office has several duties and responsibilities.

Consider this list when offering your assistance.  I don't mean to scare you

but it is a commitment to be taken seriously.

Firstly, solid communication and organization is paramount over ALL skills.
Some sort of experience in any kind of database package is helpful.  This
does not mean you have to be a database expert, however this job CAN get
so busy that an automated process saves you hours.  An experience in
critiquing is preferred.  Sometimes you have to tell scribes to slow down
work on a particular area rather than rushing through projects.  These are
not popular comments to make and you must be able to make them gently.
A tenacity and self-confidence is important.  There are plenty of folks
willing to tell you how to fix the kingdom's backlog problem and very few
to actually put time into said idea.  You are not required to have
in an office to apply however, experience as a scribe is important.  I would
prefer to have someone who has completed at least 5 scrolls for kingdom and
if you have completed a peerage scroll for kingdom that would be even
The AMOUNT of experience is a guideline not a requirement however, it could
be a deciding factor if I have close candidates.  Finally a willingness to
is a necessity.  Direct contact has always been a bigger encourager of new
scribes than indirect contact.  

As you see most of these requirements are common sense.  However, I take 
them all very seriously.  Again, please don't let me intimidate you from 
applying however, those that do should put some serious though into this.  
Please send applications to my address listed in regnum.  I will be
notifying you
as to my future in this office shortly.

In Service to the Kingdom and the Crown,

Lady Rebecca the Contrary
Clerk of Signet, Atlantia

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