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Re: their majesties

Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>

Enough already!!!  This is such a dead and silly topic at this point.  I for
one would like to see it die.  If those of you out there have a problem with
the way TRM's are handling the job, send in your letter and fight for
Crown.  If you win you can show all of us what a perfect job YOU can do.  I
for one intend on sitting on the Throne of this Kingdom again and I will do
the best job I can.  If Arielle happens to grace me with spawn then I'll be
damned if I have to deal with any flack about not making every single court
we might hold.  If my child needs my attention in the middle of court, you
would have to excuse me while I tended to him/her and Arielle finished on
her own (or vice versa).  Now can we PLEASE stop beating on this poor dead

Duke Logan

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