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Re: Excalibur

Poster: Brian Matthews <wilthain@REMOVEatt.net.maxson.com>

Uh oh ... Someone has been watching "In Search Of...." with Leonard

Peter H. Clarke wrote:
> Poster: stephancm@juno.com (Peter H. Clarke)
> I have an idea I would like to bounce off you people who are very
> historical.  I am a King Arthur buff and I have a theory about King
> Arthur's "magic" sword Excalibur, more properly know as Caliburn.
> As I understand it, Caliburn was crafted from metal not from the earth.
> Actually, I think the metal is supposed to have fallen from the sky.  So,
> if it fell from the sky, it is most likely a meteorite which fell to
> earth.  Having passed through the atmosphere, it was superheated.
> Perhaps the superheating purified the iron into a quasi form of steel.
> Making it harder and better able to hold an edge.  Thus, the sword was
> better than the iron swords of the late 400's.  Would that not make it
> appear "magical", because it would cut through the iron of the day.  Look
> shinier, and hold a good edge.
> What do you think?
> Steffan of Caer Mear
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                             In service.....
                            Wilthain Westbram
     SCA Chat room at http://www.angelfire.com/nj/thain/chat.html
                Take out the REMOVE in address to reply

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 but then neither do our nightmares."
		C. Kennedy
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