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Re: Question and request

Poster: Heather Swann <heather@pop.net>

> > I am looking for suggestions and opinions on good games. I have not been
> > around long enough to see what is overplayed and what hasn't. So I am asking
> > the general public they're opinion. Tell me your favorite game not your
> > favorite games source.
> > Regards
> > Tristan

I like Senet, myself....there are a bunch of great games and their
boards that can be found in (I think it's out of print) The (Sheltered?)
Rose book of Games.  I used it as my reference when I autocratted the
first Games Tourney in the Kingdom of Atlantia.  I'll look up the title
for you.  It was put out by Master Robin of Mannefeld's Lady Wife.  She
may have some old copies to sell...

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