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KMoAS Office

Poster: Teri Nava-Vaughn <navavaughn@geocities.com>

Forgive me if this is a duplicate mailing.  I don't remember if I've
posted this here yet or not.

The office of Kingdom MoAS will be vacant in July.  I will be leaving
Altantia to pursue my doctorate sometime at the end of the summer and
need to find a replacement as soon as possible.  Therefore, TRM and I
are currently accepting resumes.  (Both addresses are in the Acorn.)
Let us know of any prior experience, some of your goals, etc.  You need
not be a peer or Pearl to fill this office as it is mostly

The job is as simple or complex as you would like to make it... that all
depends on your goals in the office.  At a minimum, it takes up a few
hours a month to read reports, update local officers, organize kingdom
level A&S activities, etc.

Your Humble Servant (for a few more months),

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