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Offer of Aid concerning the Awards on Line idea

I don't know who forwarded my post, but here's what came back to me:
I'm not that websmart, and I don't have a server - but I know some of
you guys do....so, if they hand you the information, looks like they
might, maybe we could use it. (Especially with half the work done).

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Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>
<< I was just visiting the webpages of the Shire of Inner Sea,
and I noticed something different. On their webpages they have an
online awards recommendation form.
http://www.northshield.org/award.html.  Gee, you know, maybe other
people, like us could use that idea too.>>

Greetings, Magnus.  Your above letter was sent to the Northshield
email list.  I'm not sure if your question about this has been
answered, but here goes.  The page you spoke of above is actually the
Principality of Northshield's award recommendation page, not just the
Shire of Inner Sea's.  If you'd like a similar on-line submission
form, talk to the Northshield Webminister, Lady Gwenhwyvar verch Owen
ap Morgan  <mailto:techdragon@techie.com>, or forward this information
to those that might be able to implement such an on-line form.

Chewie / Gunnarr
|Chad C. Walstrom <gunnarr@itasca.net> |
|http://www.itasca.net/~gunnarr        |

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