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Poster: Jeffrey Sussman <jsussman@pop.erols.com>

A couple of things about awards,

When I was king, If we received a form letter or a petition or something
like that which minimized the effort required on the part of the sender
we would weigh that much lighter (or as nothing) compared to any other
recommendation no matter how well (or crudely) written.  The one time we
received a petition, it was well done and well presented from many of
the people from Windmaster's.  We were happy to grant the petition since
we had already planned on that course anyway!

It is impossible to come up with a single answer for "How much service
does it take?"  Each member of the orders has a different measure.  And
the Crowns have yet another measure.  The people who write the
recommendations may have still other ideas on how much is enough.  Any
description is therefore an oversimplification.  My advice is to look to
the previous recipients to get the best idea of what it takes and then
realize that every recipient's contributions are different.

Traditionally, the QOC (like the Shark's Tooth) has been considered as
an award that could be given more than once.

Yours in Service,
Duke Richard Fitzgilbert, 
Earl Marshal of Atlantia
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