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Poster: RowenRhys <RowenRhys@aol.com>

Unto the Great Populace assembled at The Merry Rose, Greetings!

I am in dire need of assistance to find a vendor who I encountered at the
Maryland Ren. Festival last October.  Their company was called "Dragon Wings"
and they sold hand-made Marionettes of Lions, Unicorns, Gargoyles, and of
course dragons.  My husband James wanted one of the Dragon marionettes but I
had not the finances to purchase this creature (and I mean creature...it
really freaked me out)...but much time has passed and he still pines for this
marionette!  Just when I had decided to breakdown and get it for his birthday
(next week BTW) I discovered that the number on the flyer I was given is no
longer in service.  So if any good gentle here knows of these marionettes,
handmade by Debra Hathaway and Eric R. Heath, which are based in Canaan, New
Hampshire, please let me know where I can contact them for their fine products


Rowen ferch Rhys
Kingdom of Atlantia

P.S.  Also, would ONE gentle be so kind as to forward this to the East
Kingdom's mailing list as it may ring more familiar up North. 
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