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Crossroads, Cross-posting, Cross people

Poster: Joan Steurer <rhianwen@wichita.fn.net>

Unto the Citizens of the (Electronic) Known World, greetings.

Recently the Calontir list has received a few posts which have apparently
been cross-posted to all of the SCA Kingdom mailing lists.  Unfortunately,
the content of these posts have very little to do with our Kingdom.  

For instance, the discussion of the use of security constables was irrelvant
because we have never felt a need to institute such a structure at our
events.  The posts on drinking irresponsibly were redundant to a recent
discussion we've had and which may be found in our electronic archives.
Some of these posts have come across as "preachy" or even condescending; I'm
sure the posters had no intention of being unpleasant, but it certainly has
ruffled more than a few feathers, especially since they are not even
subscribed to all of the lists to which they are posting.

The Rialto is a discussion group which may be (and is) accessed by people
from all over the Known World, including people from Calontir.  If you are
interested in getting the opinions of folks from many Kingdoms, I suggest
you use this resource.  

I must apologize for doing the very thing which I'm asking others not to do.
However, I knew of no other way to ask folks to use the resource which is
already in place for this purpose, as I assume they are unaware of its

Any replies may be sent to me at rhianwen@wichita.fn.net.  Thank you for
your understanding.

Mistress Baroness Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd

>>Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 09:31:06 -0700
>>From: Louise Jayne Mueller <beckwith@OLYPEN.COM>
>>Subject: SCA at a Crossroads?
>>Sender: Historical Recreation in the Kingdom of Calontir
>> <CALONTIR@crcvms.unl.edu>
>>To: CALONTIR@crcvms.unl.edu
>>Reply-to: beckwith@OLYPEN.COM
>>References: <01bd6db3$642a28a0$086bafc7@tormentr.islandnet.com>
>>Comments: To: Aaron & karen Benson <aaronben@olympus.net>,
>> Allen Crawford <crawford@olypen.com>, An Tir maillist <steps@antir.sca.org>,
>> "antares diekow@hotmail.com diekow" <antaresdiekow@hotmail.com>,
>> Artemisia maillist <artemisia@server.umt.edu>,
>> Atlantia maillist <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>,
>> "CaitlinSp@aol.com" <CaitlinSp@aol.com>, Carl Summers <sumtyme@olypen.com>,
>> Ceridwen Attwood <cattwood@linknet.kitsap.lib.wa.us>,
>> clayton johnson <claytonj@earthlink.net>, Cliff Robinson <car@olypen.com>,
>> david hume <dhume@gds.ca>,
>> "Donald Sowell ( Volt Computer)" <a-donsow@MICROSOFT.com>,
>> East maillist <sca-east@world.std.com>, Evangline Rand <vangie7@hotmail.com>,
>> Jeff Reyes <ihawk@tenforward.com>, Jenice Coffey <jcoffey@www.pc.ctc.edu>,
>> Mary and Gordon Reimer <reimer@olypen.com>,
>> Meridies maillist <meridies@web.ce.utk.edu>,
>> Middle maillist <sca-middle@dnaco.net>,
>> mitchell & teena turner <algar@internetcds.com>,
>> Outlands maillist <outlands@mail.unm.edu>, Paul Robinson <tcc2@hotmail.com>,
>> Prescott's <dragonassoc@waypt.com>, rita morwood <rmorwood@rocketmail.com>,
>> Roy <Rig75@aol.com>, shannon & John <jamie@tenforward.com>,
>> Shanti Black <tigerstar@hotmail.com>, Scott Mueller <sooty@idt.net>,
>> Simeon Taylor <rune@tenforward.com>,
>> STEPHEN M HOWARD <STEVEDEBHILARY@prodigy.net>, Tina Ryan <sancho@olypen.com>
>>X-Proc-type: 3 (Normal)

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