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New electronic text collection (fwd)
Poster: Marybeth Lavrakas <lavrakas@email.unc.edu>
I thought this info. would be of interest to the Merry Rose...
Kathryn Rous
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 14:34:17 -0400
From: Richard Gorrie <rgorrie@uoguelph.ca>
Reply-To: H-Net List for British and Irish History <H-ALBION@h-net.msu.edu>
To: H-ALBION@h-net.msu.edu
Subject: New electronic text collection
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 23:42:41 +0200
From: Luc Borot <lb@alor.univ-montp3.fr>
The Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise in
Montpellier is glad to announce the creation of a new e-text collection
dedicated to early modern English documents: Montpellier Early Modern
English Documents (MEMED).
The URL is: http://serinf.univ-montp3.fr/MEMED/
MEMED is a collection of electronic texts prepared for the online
community of Renaissance scholars by the members and partners of the
Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise
in Montpellier
We intend to provide these documents in at least two formats, html
and rtf. Only html is available at this time. You may use and
redistribute these texts provided that the legal notices prefixed to
them are not removed from the documents.
Editorial Board
General editor: Luc Borot, Universite Paul-Valery, Montpellier
Early Tudor editor: Raymon Siemens, University of Alberta, Canada
Elizabethan editors: Charles W Whitworth Universite Paul-Valery,
Montpellier; Raymond Siemens, University of Alberta, Canada
Early Stuart editors: Glenn Burgess, University of Hull, UK;
Jean-Christophe Mayer, Universite Paul-Valery, Montpellier
Interregnum editors: Luc Borot; Colin Davis, University of East Anglia,
Norwich, UK
Editorial adviser: Charles W Whitworth
Technical adviser: Daniel Savey, Universite Paul-Valery, Montpellier
Editorial Policy (abstract)
MEMED will publish documents of short or medium
length, edited from original early modern manuscript or printed
sources. We intend to make rare material of documentary importance
Several online scholarly series already provide serious electronic
editions of literary works. Our purpose is not to enter into a
competition with these eminent colleagues. Our desire is to provide
our readers with other kinds of texts, from politically seminal
pamphlets to pious ballads, from legal documents to comical
We shall publish modern-spelling editions for legibility's sake, but
editors are asked to respect the vocabulary, syntax and grammar of
their documents. If the form of the text is likely to be adulterated
by spelling alterations (rhymes, metrical devices, etc), our editors
are allowed to retain all or some of the original spelling.
Submissions will be read by two members the editorial board. The
founding editors are recognised scholars in their fields, already
involved in 'paper' and electronic scholarly publications of
established standing.
To submit documents or proposals, e-mail Luc Borot <lb@alor.univ-montp3.fr>
********************Verite est Fille du Temps*****************
Luc Borot <lb@alor.univ-montp3.fr>
home (voice and fax) +33 4 67 52 07 98
work +33 4 67 14 24 49/+33 4 67 14 24 48/fax +33 4 67 14 24 65
Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise
Universite Paul Valery --- Montpellier (France)
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