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auxcillium list of classes
- To: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU, mariabeatriz.la.mora@mailexcite.com, scott_dean@mindspring.com, JJoiner@ospreysystems.com, dowdle-headm@gactr.uga.edu, DeRomilly@aol.com, apache59@cpis.net, mariabeatriz.la.mora@mailexcite.com, PetersR@spiegelmcd.com, moshar@bellsouth.net, LadyUnanow@aol.com, Greg.Stapleton@CMSX.COM, Savannnaaa@aol.com, apache59@cpis.net, achbar@bellsouth.net, TCobb@comdial.com, sirlogan@bellsouth.net, Savannnaaa@aol.com, rosalind <paradox@gamewood.net>, jackhe@clt.mindspring.com, luigi <dragonbow@aol.com>, LrdTakeda@aol.com, lordkheldar@mindspring.com, LadyUnanow@aol.com, Lady Tamsin <mlong@mds.marriott.com>, vickieww@CTC.Net, lady rebecca <beckymc@microsoft.com>, web4539@charweb.org, charlenn@aol.com, atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
- Subject: auxcillium list of classes
- From: lord_rohern <lord_rohern@InfoAve.Net>
- Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 07:30:55 -0400
- Organization: Lancaster Telephone Internet
- Reply-To: lord_rohern <lord_rohern@InfoAve.Net>
- Sender: owner-atlantia@adm.csc.ncsu.edu
Poster: lord_rohern <lord_rohern@InfoAve.Net>
auxcillium list of classes and times as of yet:
Scriptorium : all day to help get the kingdom scrolls out.
9am : arrow making, intro to lampworking (3hr. class), intro to sca,
intro to needle lace, learning games ( kids class ) , rapier 101, basic
belly dancing.
10am: leather crafts (2 hr. class) , stain glass 101 (2 hr. class),
brewing w/grain (2hr. class), bobbin lace ( 2 hr. class), etiquette in
boffer tournaments(kids class), basic drumming (2hr.class), juggling.
11am: Intro to needle lace, children’s archery, advanced belly dancing
w/drumming class added in,
12 noon: lunch
12:45 pm: late Scottish kilts, advanced lampworking (3 hr class),
recorder 101, intro to couching, children’s court manners ( kids class),
combat archery.
1:45 pm: heraldry, advanced needle lace (2 hr class / must have taken
basic class or have exp.), children's middle eastern rhythms and living
(kids class , 2 hr. ).
2:45pm: bobbin lace (2 hr. class), card weaving, metal casting
3:45pm: autocrating 101, feastacrating for special diets, stories for
campfires (Kids Class).
4:45pm: site closes
just remember that this is not in stone and can change at any time, I’m
still going over some more classes and may have to add time in for TRM
court and authorizations for heavy, rapier and archery. I hope that you
see a class or three that you would like to attend and we hope to see
you here.
In service,
Autocrat, Auxillium
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