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Re: a little history lesson

Poster: Chris Mayer <csminter@hickory.net>

Gene Bonar wrote:

> >Please excuse my ignorance, but what is a Click and Clunk?
> Ok Click and Clack, the Tappett Brothers, is a show of National Public
> Radio.  This is a call-in show about cars.  Between them and their
> researchers they have a vast amount of knowledge about cars.  If you have
> any question concerning a car you can call them and chances are good that
> one of them will be able to answer it off the top of their head.

    Click & Clack, the Mariatzi Brothers, both have Engineering degrees from MIT.
Their show, "Car Talk", is one of THE most popular shows on National Public
Radio.  Because of the very entertaining nature of the show, many people listen to
it, picking up, by osmosis, as it were, knowledge about cars (& their repair &
maintenance, & what COULD that strange noise be?) that they would otherwise have
no clue about.  Click & Clack have many other interests in life, besides fixing
cars, such as a facination with people's names, & odd history bits.  Check with
you local NPR station, they are sure to carry "Car Talk" (usually on Sat. morning,
then again sometime on Sunday), it is a real hoot!  One of the few shows on NPR
which I try not to miss (and I'm not what you would call "mechanically oriented").



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