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Re: a little history lesson

Poster: "S. M. Thorson" <smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk>

On Thu, 11 Jun 1998, Gene Bonar wrote:

> in an earlier posting, almost none of this story is true.  What really
> bothered me was that anyone would quote Click and Clack as reliable
> historical source.

Actually, if I recall things aright, when Corun mentioned them, it was
emphatically NOT in the context of them being a reliable historical
source; merely that this item had appeared as their trivia feature and
that perhaps one should take it from whence it comes.

I think I can say fairly safely that my beloved lord is not such a fool as
to think an NPR auto show is a sound reference.

Stephanie M. Thorson			|  SCA: Lady Alianora Munro
Dept. of Scottish History		|  Clan White Wing
University of St Andrews		|  Tarkhan, Khanate Red Lion

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