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Re: a little history lesson

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Boroghul dared to write:
> Donal uge-ber:
> >In a message dated 98-06-10 01:01:57 EDT, achbar@bellsouth.net writes:
> >
> ><< You people are fletching at his every statement.
> > He was trying to make us laugh and many are bolting off after him. >>
> >
> >WHAT?  You mean he's been stringing us along?  I've a mind to nock his block
> >off!
> >
> >~Donal  (who is glad the pun tax doesn't apply on the Net)
> Doesn't the very idea just make you quiver with fright?....Just the thought
> of having those tax collectors target my hard earned ducats makes me want
> to take flight.

All right. I think we've gotten the point and it's time for yew all to
bow out before this becomes recursive and people start bolting from the

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