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Re: Barding of dogs

Poster: "David K. Bodman" <dkbodman@greensboro.com>

At 12:15 PM 6/13/98, Corun MacAnndra wrote:
>Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
>I wrote:
>>You're a dangerous man Efen. And you can run......but you can't hide.
>>Hmmmm, "Militant" Bards....combat archery....Don't worry Efen, I'll use
>>traditional Mongolian whislting arrows. What key would you like them in? ;-)
>Now that I think about it, they would more correctly be called Wyslting
>arrows in this instance.
>In service,
I'd say two-tones...

c-sharp or B-flat!

<<<<Poof!  Gone in a blaze of smoke!>>>

Daoud al-bodmani

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