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RE: Pennsic site closing..

Poster: E L Wimett <SILVERDRAGON@Charleston.Net>

Ummm!  No.  While the War itself had closing ceremonies on Sunday, the site until VERY recently closed on Monday.  Most of us oldtimers still really miss the Sunday night parties which were usually the best of the whole War as the merchants and fighters and a majority of the "on duty" folk could relax and everyone had LOTS of firewood, food and other refreshments to use up or throw out!!!

Feeling rather ancient since she can remember when Pennsic was still a weekend event for most people and when the Principal Heralds of the East and Middle were considered revolutionaries to schedule a heraldic event on the Pennsic site the weekend before . . .

-----Original Message-----
From:	Megan Burnham [SMTP:lmegan@bellsouth.net]
Sent:	Monday, June 15, 1998 9:56 AM
To:	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Subject:	Pennsic site closing..

Poster: Megan Burnham <lmegan@bellsouth.net>

Hi gang!  

I believe I have the answer to your questions.  The TROLL closes at noon 
on Saturday, but the SITE itself closes at noon on SUNDAY.  It's been 
this way for as long as I've been going..(a small brag, if I may..for 10 

Hope that clears up any confusion,


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