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Re: Re: Definitions, please
Poster: "Hilda Jean Smith-Beattie" <mariabeatriz.la.mora@mailexcite.com>
AH yes...
The Baron Achbar LAndless White Trash story...
It is all true...cept he didnt mention..
HE took ME as his date....(still chuckling and thrilled to have been a part of it all!!!!)
Dance for love
Love the dance
And date someone with massage experience!
c. Bambi;Annandale, VA 1997
>Poster: achbar@bellsouth.net (James Morrow)
>>> >- baron / ess, court
>>> Landless white trash. :-)
>>Um, I do believe His Excellency Baron Achbar would not fall into this
>>category.......but I leave it to him to respond to this ... ;)
>Thank You Baroness Miri,
> There used to be Landless White Trash Parties at Pennsic. They
>quit holding them when I started coming to to them. There was a
>certain and well respected Household in the East Kingdom sponsoring
>this party. When I walked into the Party there was a DEAD
>Silence...people stopped ans stared at this Black man in white Tunic
>and white baggy trouser with a little Coronet made of horn. In the
>shade of night that coronet looked like Ivory. This scene looked like
>a Medieval version of an EF Hutton Commercial. I introduced myself as
>Baron Achbar ibn Ali from the Kingfom of Atlantia and there was a sigh
>or relief. Imagine that...I brought an entire Pavillion to silence
>and didn't have to make Pun number 1!
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