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Re: Of Kings and Queens...

Poster: Kevin of Thornbury <kevin@maxson.com>

Jennifer Thies wrote:
> I would like to reiterate what Martin pointed out.  The Crown lists are
> the one method that is fair to the participants.  Even if the Marshalls
> have their favorites, the crowd usually can tell if a blow is good or
> not.

Good my lady, please - no.

The honorable fighter wearing the armor knows whether or not a blow was
good.  The equally honorable fighter throwing the blow has half as much
information as the person struck.  The well-intentioned marshall knows
about half as much as that, and the respectfully attentive assembled
crowd knows half what the marshall does.

I don't wish to debate the merits of selecting a king, but I would like
to see more inquiring and less assuming from the witnesses of any fight.

Thanks for tolerating my outburst...

|+^+|  Kevin of Thornbury
|/+\|  Deputy Knight Marshall of Ponte Alto
 \_/   kevin@maxson.com   http://www.atlantia.sca.org
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