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Highland River Melees

Poster: Robin Stoneking <stonekin@erols.com>

Greetings unto the Merry Rose from Beatrice LaGrave, Minister of
Arts & Sciences in the fair shire of Highland Foorde.

The time is at hand for Highland River Melees. This Saturday, June
20th we will be gathering at our traditional site to fight and feast.
I would like to encourage all that are attending to bring some
sample of their fine hand-work. Please come share all those lovely
things that you have labored over - works in progress are welcome,
as we love to see the process as well as the product!

There will be a calligraphy class, as well as demonstrations in
woodcarving, dyeing, and spinning flax. There will also be an
abundance of children's activities.

We hope to see you there!


>From the east and west: Take I-70 to I-81 northbound and follow the
directions below.

>From the north and south: Take I-81 to exit 5, Halfway Blvd (first
exit north of I-70). Go east past Valley Mall on your right. At the
3rd traffic light pass the mall, turn left onto Virginia Ave (US 11N).
Continue straight through 2 traffic lights (US 11 turns left - do not
turn with it) past the city park on the left.  You will come to a
traffic circle.  Go around the circle 270 degrees and enter the park.
Go straight. Hager House is on the right, across the railroad tracks.
Parking is across the street when you are done unloading.
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