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WAS: One Year Project - Deepest Regrets, but not any more! :)

Poster: Heather Swann <heather@pop.net>

Okay, strike that, there WILL be a One Year Project Competition!  Not to
worry, it has been worked out.  I'll be organizing it and Bridgette will
still be providing the prize.  There is only one thing- I need judges. 
That hasn't been arranged yet, and so I'm putting out the call- please,
oh please, if you are a knowledgeable person who can judge such things
(I think Bridgette was going to ask some Laurels, but as you know, time
got away from her) and you will be at the Festival, please consider
judging and let me know if you can.  This may very well require a Laurel
level of knowledge since it's judging an extensive project over time,
but please note I say Laurel level- time's slipping by, and if you are
highly knowledgeable and feel you can at least speak to various aspects
of projects, that will be helpful.   Essentially, you'll need to be able
to make constructive comments that will be useful for the person who has
made the project.  Bridgette is getting the parameters to me so that
there will be guidelines, etc.

I thank you all for whatever help you can lend my way, and I'm looking
forward to seeing the nifty things people have been working on.

>         Greetings All  -
>         It is with deepest regret that I announce the failure of the One
> Year Project.
>         I must, at this time, cancel the project.   Please let your local
> A&S officer
>         know.   Forward this to them if you like.  I will try to send a
> copy to them
>         electronically,  and if time permits, by phone.
>         The fault for this failure  is entirely mine own.
>         I have moved out of Kingdom, and although I have tried every financial
>         and possible contortion of my new responsibilities in the modern world,
>         I cannot afford the time  nor the price of travel.
>         I  sincerely apologize for the disappointment that this may cause.
>         Please know that I have tried every path in an attempt to see this
> cause
>         through.   The shortcoming is my own, and I hope that my ambition
>         and inability to see this responsibility through can be forgiven.
>         One thing I have learned is this
>         That in a  year, more may  occur than anyone ever dreamed possible.
>         Pax,
>         Bridgette Kelly MacLean
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