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This Sunday...

Poster: Denise McMahon <baroness@stierbach.org>

Begging your pardons, we ask to interrupt for only a moment
for this brief announcement!

Sunday, June 28th

This Sunday is another Fighter Picnic at Briar Patch Park beginning
at 1pm. Bright Hills has informed me that they will be coming to
our picnic and that they expect plenty of butts to kick- er, fighters to
challenge in friendly passages of arms. If we get enough folks-
we can even melee... (sounds vaguely scandelous, doesn't it?).

According to the Weather Folks it'll be hot so we will have plenty
of water and lemonade on hand. You still need to provide your
own picnic. There are trees and a lovely gymnasium thing designed to
keep most children happy and active. 

There is also archery and croquet, and I believe the Sewing Mavens
will be meeting during the picnic as well.

For those of you who haven't been yet, there is a permanent picnic
pavillion there, so even if it sprinkles we'll have lots of room under
which to stay dry!


Take your best route to either Rt.7 or Rt.28, head towards Leesburg and 
watch for the Sterling Blvd. turnoff. There are signs on either road. 
Follow Sterling Blvd. to E. Frederick Street. Briar Patch is on the corner 
and there is plenty of parking.

Saturday, June 27th

Baroness Kristin is getting together with some folks at the house to work on
armor. Anyone interested please call her 703/ 450-8092.


-Rowan Berran
Baroness of Stierbach

Dounoc'h eo kaloun ar merc'hed 'vit ar mor douna euz ar bed
(The heart of woman is deeper than the deepest sea in the world)
                                   Breton proverb from the Ile de Batz
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