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The York Cycle '98

Poster: SWMyers@aol.com

For only the second time since 1569, the York Cycle was performed in its
entirety in period fashion (on wagons) last weekend in Toronto, Canada.  The
last time was in 1977 and it rained all day!  This time, the weather was
perfect and all 47 plays were performed between dawn and midnight (okay, so it
did run a little longer than planned)!

The Sacred Stone Players had the honor of performing play number 35, the
Crucifixion.  The play was performed at four different stations on the
Victoria College campus at the University of Toronto.  Our play, specifically,
was captured not only by PLS and UofT video, but also filmed for Canadian
television and a documentary team from Catholic University.

Our cast was made up of Lord Cassan Segoire playing Jesus Christ and Lord
Kilian Ebonwoulfe, Lord Robert of Caerleon, and Lord Wolfgang the Gamesman as
three of the four Roman soldiers.  They worked under amazingly pressure-filled
circumstances and I appreciate the skill and talent they brought to the
production as well as their cool heads!

Special thanks to Lady Phillipa Suzanne of Andover, Baron Kostka Volkovich,
Lord Seagrim Haakonson, and Lord Culain of Emeroke for their above-and-beyond
help in mounting this production.

The opportunity to perform this period drama in period conditions and in a
completely authentic manner was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.  So
many people helped make this dream come true, I'm in debt to them all.

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