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Re: Rialto: Reality check?

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Phillip wrote:
>Reality check, please
>Is anyone besides me horrified at the level of discussion on the Rialto? 

Regrettably this is rather typical of the Rialto these days. All noise,
little signal. I am reminded of a quote by a good friend of mine, AElfgar
Greyseas, that goes; Beneath the calm, professional exterior of the SCA,
lurk all the subtle, interpersonal dynamics of a nursery school at recess.

But not to put to cynical a spin on it, there are bastions of sanity and
rationality within the SCA. The Rialto is not one of them. Pray the Rose
never stoops to such levels.

In service,

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