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Re: Not for the faint of heart ...

Poster: CGScoop@aol.com

In a message dated 98-09-06 22:44:08 EDT, you write:

Please tell me that this is a big, horrible joke. Please. If it's not a
horrible joke, please tell me that I didn't see the words "Christopher
Lambert" and "Mortal Kombat" combined with my beloved Beowulf. My God, I'm
going to be teaching this work to high school seniors in a few years. It will
be hard enough without having to destroy the misconceptions that this probable
piece of crud is bound to produce. I can just see the mead-hall in the
background as a disembodied voice shouts "FINISH HIM!" and techno music

William of Falestone
(who is about to pop off and shoot himself)
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