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On the differences between the North and South...

Poster: Michael Houghton <herveus@access.digex.net>


This weekend, while at Coronation, I stumbled onto an insight that I
thought I should share. I think it may serve to explain why the idea of a
Northern Principality is attractive in the North. I also think that this
might explain why people in Windmaster's Hill and Sacred Stone are having a
hard time coming to terms with this idea.

>From my perspective, there is a significant difference in the structure and
operation of the groups north of Caer Mear versus (in particular) the two
baronies in North Carolina. In Windmaster's Hill and Sacred Stone, there
exist a number of cantons which are distinct (and perhaps distinctive)
groups with their own identities. A number of these cantons could
potentially stand as baronies in their own rights. In addition to this
local group, there is the baronial presence. This baronial presence
provides an additional layer of resources and "cool stuff", and a regional

North of Caer Mear, there are six baronies, two shires, and a canton which
is probably going to become a barony itself at some point in the not too
distant future. There is much commerce among these groups, and each has a
distinctive character.

The difference here is that in the North, there is no regional unifying
entity. That role is where a Principality comes in. My sense is that
Windmaster's Hill and Sacred Stone are each much like principalities in
their effect. I suspect that each has within itself the resources to become
such, were they minded to do so.

I am less familiar with the way Nottinghill Coill and Hidden Mountain work
as groups, so I am not able to speak to how they compare here.

I can understand how someone from Windmaster's Hill or Sacred Stone would
have a hard time seeing the motivations of Northerners. It seems to me that
the most strident voices decrying the idea have been residents of these
baronies. If you have a functional local group along with a functional and
attentive baronial infrastructure overlying the local structure, it is
harder to understand how yet another layer is helpful unless one were
looking to make that new layer the ultimate layer (as in kingdom). When one
is in a circumstance where there is only the local layer and the kingdom
layer, having that additional, intermediate layer is more attractive, and
leads to less pressure to make it a kingdom.

I hope this makes sense, and helps to bridge the gap in understanding that
appears to have opened up.

yours in service,

Michael and MJ Houghton   | Herveus d'Ormonde and Megan O'Donnelly
herveus@access.digex.net  | White Wolf and the Phoenix
Bowie, MD, USA            | Tablet and Inkle bands, and other stuff
                          | http://www.access.digex.net/~herveus/

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