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Re: Swans

Poster: Diane Stevens <nolarec@hwy5.net>

Heather Swann wrote:
> Whilst standing watch on the pier yesterday, I was watching the swans
>      swimming around the boats.  Not that I'd be willing to eat
>      these particular
>      birds (not after all the time they've been swimming around
>      RCs!), but does
>      anyone have any period recipes for swan?  Has anyone (Ras?)
>      actually cooked
>      or eaten swan?
>      Alasdair mac Iain
> I should hope NOT!   I know there are period recipes for them, but
> they are beautiful, lovely birds!  Heavens!
> Heather SWANN
> aka Miriam Rachel bat Mordecai

Actually, I have eaten swan and it was tasty.  In North Carolina, you
can get a license to hunt swan, but the limit is one per year.  My
sister in law's brother was stationed at Cherry Point several years ago,
and bagged a swan.  He invited us all to dinner.  He cooked the swan in
an outdoor smoker (like you would a turkey), and stuffed it with sugar
cane.  It was a very dark meat with a great deal of texture, not as much
texture as beef but more than duck.  I have no idea from where he got
the recipe.  It was a tasty dish, but I'll stick to chicken, pork &
beef, with a few game birds and venison thrown in occasionally for

Luned, Regina Atlantia
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