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Demo on Sunday

Poster: The Problem <aewing@liberty.uc.wlu.edu>

Greetings to all from the fair town of Lexington!!!

	After much running around, I received permission from the wife of
the University no less to hold a demo here Sunday afternoon.  We are
hoping to attract new members with this, so you can be there please come.
We will be on the front lawn of Washington and Lee University at 1 p.m.  I
would like to have heavy as well as light fighters, dancers, and anyone
who wants to just have a great time.  I invite you to bring any projects
that you are currently working on, and a smile!

To the W&L University Center: 
      Take I-81 to exit 188 b. (Lexington exit) Follow Rte. 60 into town
where it becomes Nelson St. At
the corner of Nelson and Lee Ave (5-6 lights, post office on far left
corner, frat house on far right) turn
right. The University Center is the building on the left corner at the end
of Lee Ave.
	The demo will be on the grassy area across the street from the
University Center.  It is the area of the lawn in front of Lee House.

I look forward to seeing everyone, and please send this message along to
anyone else who might have the remotest interest.

Thank you,
Lady Adrianna de Bretagne
(mka Andrea Ewing)

@>-,---'--   ....................................................   --'---,-<@
                               Andrea Ewing
			   Adrianna de Bretagne               	
			Washington and Lee University
@>-,---'--   .....................................................  --'---,-<@

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