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Re: Thrusts to the Side of the Head

Poster: JBRMM266@aol.com

In a message dated 98-09-15 17:24:14 EDT, sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net
(Duke Logan) writes:

<< Ok lets go with your idea that moving your head, no matter which way, to
avoid a face thrust is like lifting your leg to avoid a leg blow.  I just want
to know who you think is going to make that call?  If a spearman thrusts at my
face and I move my head to cause the blow to glance/miss, are you going to
come in saying "I know for a fact that Logan tilted/turned his head so that
the thrust would land on an area that is impervious to thrusts.  Therefore he
is dead!".  I certainly would never put myself in a situation like that as it
is totally impracticable.  The ruling is a good one that not only has the
sense of realism, but does indeed provide a level of safety.  If thrusting to
the side of the head will achieve nothing for you against your opponent, you
 (being most people in this case) won't waste your time with it.  I don't see
too many fighters out there beating the crap out of the middle of someone's
 Duke Logan >>

Well said.  As a spearman, glaivier, and one who has faced both, I agree with
this position and the general premise of the rule.

~Donal Mac Ruiseart
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