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Re: On the differences between the North and South...

Poster: Logan & Arielle <sirlogan@mail.clt.bellsouth.net>

I guess there was a question there, but,  if so I missed it.  Love what and who
you feel loyal to.  If there is an improvement to the way something else is
done, all you can do is offer it.  If it is rejected, please understand
tradition.  If it is embraced, aide it.  All I said was that I was an Atlantian
when I started,  and will remain so.
I do not denounce any other Kingdom.  I love the SCA and what it stands for.
However, I love my honor more and my loyalty more than that and myself above
all else.  I will always continue to do so as that is, frankly, who I am.

I am glad that call Atlantia home.

Duke Logan
(who really just wants to enjoy this game)

Garrett, William wrote:

> Poster: "Garrett, William" <WGarrett@sierrahealth.com>
>         Duke Logan replied:
> > I am in fealty and will remain so.  I don't plan on moving to another
> > Kingdom
> > any time soon.  I guess it would depend on the situation.  My comment was
> > not
> > based on the fact that I am a Knight however.  My fealty, as such,  is a
> > different story.  My statement was based on the fact that I am an
> > Atlantian.  I
> > will always remain so.  Born and breed.
> Fair enough. :o)
> I just wanted to get your take on things.  I have a great love of Caid,
> where I started in the SCA.  I miss some of the customs and traditions I
> experienced there that aren't the same here.  But I consider myself an
> Atlantian, and am proud to take the field under her banner.
> William
> (Caid x 2, West, Ansteorra, East (Drachenwald), Atlantia.....whew)
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