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RE: On the differences between the North and South...

Poster: "Garrett, William" <WGarrett@sierrahealth.com>

	Duke Logan replied:

> I am in fealty and will remain so.  I don't plan on moving to another
> Kingdom
> any time soon.  I guess it would depend on the situation.  My comment was
> not
> based on the fact that I am a Knight however.  My fealty, as such,  is a
> different story.  My statement was based on the fact that I am an
> Atlantian.  I
> will always remain so.  Born and breed.
Fair enough. :o)

I just wanted to get your take on things.  I have a great love of Caid,
where I started in the SCA.  I miss some of the customs and traditions I
experienced there that aren't the same here.  But I consider myself an
Atlantian, and am proud to take the field under her banner.

(Caid x 2, West, Ansteorra, East (Drachenwald), Atlantia.....whew)

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