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Fealty and stuff

Poster: David KUIJT <kuijt@umiacs.umd.edu>

On Wed, 16 Sep 1998 Rutlands@aol.com wrote:

> he not be bound to seek its welfare?  Fealty is a means to that end, a stated
> pledge of support to that Kingdom/Crown.  Further, it is Perfectly Period to
> state fealty with "except for" clauses.  


>      I do hasten to point out that I know nothing of the Chivalry, and there
> may be a strong custom to re-swear;  but to the best of my limited knowledge,
> it is not a requirement...  James of Rutland

There is a strong custom to renew fealty for the Chivalry.  It is not a
requirement.  In some reigns in the past I have been unable to renew my
fealty; this did not affect my oath.

My personal fealty comes with lots of clauses and states lots of things I
will do. Fealty is an honorable contract and commitment.  As a contract,
the words used create the list of what shall be done, and when it shall,
and what else shall be done. 

>From my fealty: [I swear to give]
...my sword in time of war
	i.e., I will fight for Atlantia.
	-- just me.  My squires are not bound.
	-- only in time of war.  Peace?  No commitment to fight.  No
		declaration of war?  No commitment to fight.
...my counsel, in time of peace
	i.e., I will advise the Crown on matters I deem important
	-- whether or not they want it
	-- only during time of peace.  As a bonus, I often give my
		counsel in time of War, too, but I haven't explicitly
		signed up for that -- it is my free loudmouthed gift.
...protect the weak
	-- this is an important clause
...uphold the right
	-- similar to the above, although not identical: if the weak
		profess a cause that is unjust (not "right"), it would
		be awkward to withold my support without this clause
...obey your lawful commands
	-- this is the fundamental clause.  Lawful commands of the
		Crown that don't violate some other clause of the
		oath, I must obey.  Unlawful commands, nope.  Lawful
		commands that are injust break the clause above, so
		I am not bound to obey them.  Lawful commands that
		trod on the weak, likewise I am not bound to obey.
		A Lawful command like: Do Not Fight In Time Of War
		would violate the first clause, so I am not bound to
		obey it.  A Lawful command like: do not advise me
		would violate the second clause, so I am not bound to
		obey it, either.

Of course, I swear my fealty in Welsh, which might be confusing to some.

Dafydd ap Gwystl ap Llewellyn ap Cadwaladr ap Gwyl,

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